The Essential Disney Vacation Packing Checklist Free Printable

The Essential Disney Vacation Packing Checklist (With Free Printable!)

Heading to Disney soon? I’m so happy for you!! I’m sure you’re getting more excited by the day and are anxious to get a jump start on your packing and Disney To-Do list.

Walt Disney World!!!

I’ve been traveling to Disney for years now, so I’ve got loads of experience on how to pack for a Disney trip. If you’re anything like me, I like to feel that I’ve packed enough to be prepared, but not overly packed to the point of having tons of stuff to haul and root through.

Oh, and I really hate that sinking feeling like I might have forgotten something important! Ugh, it’s the worse…and a total joy kill when trying to enjoy a relaxing vacation.

Well, no worries! I’ve got just the right tool to help you out. Here, I rounded up everything that’s a total must-have and created the essential Disney vacation packing checklist. I find that I’m way more organized (and motivated) when I have a plan and a checklist to follow. I’m SO happy to share the packing list with you today!

You can download your FREE printable packing list here!

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    Wardrobe Items

    As I’m packing, I like to lay out outfits for each person, for each day we are in the parks. We’re a little dorky in that we typically like to dress for the park we’re attending that day and we like to coordinate. #socorny

    I find that this strategy keeps me nice and organized though! I make little stacks of each day’s outfits and make sure that each stack has a top, bottom, undergarments, socks, and shoes. I also check to make sure that each person has either a sweatshirt or jacket. Yes, even in Florida you’ll need these!

    In the summer, I’m the gal that gets chilly in restaurants or theaters where the AC is blasting. I appreciate carrying along a light sweatshirt with me so I don’t freeze indoors. In the wintertime, you’ll definitely need a coat as it can be quite cold in the mornings and evenings. Florida’s weather can be really unpredictable, with low’s in the 30’s during the winter, so be sure to check the weather before you pack.

    I also make sure to pack a cozy outfit for travel days and a dressy outfit should we have any special dinner reservations or occasions that we are celebrating.

    As far as shoes go, I find that each person needs a pair of sneakers for long days in the parks, a pair of sandals/dress shoes, and a pair of flip flops for stomping around the resort and pool areas.

    Don’t forget to pack a swimsuit or two for each person. You’ll be ready to dive into that resort pool as soon as you’ve checked in!

    Here are some of my favorite budget-friendly finds for family park outfits!

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    Accessories for the essential Disney Packing checklist

    While you’re packing your park outfits, don’t forget about the accessories! You will definitely need some sort of park bag to haul around your family’s necessities; whether that be a backpack, side satchel, or fanny pack.

    Sunglasses and hats are a must in Florida. The sun can be brutal down here, ya’ll!

    My husband likes to wear a belt, but always seems to forget it, so I made sure to add that to the list.

    Jewelry, smart watches, and hair accessories are a few things to consider as well. Most importantly, don’t forget the mouse ears! (You’ll save a ton of dough by buying them beforehand and bringing them with you!)


    Toiletries for the essential Disney Vacation packing checklist

    Toiletries are such a personal thing, but we use so many of them in our daily routine that they can be easy to forget. My husband is notorious for forgetting his toothbrush and I typically leave home an essential makeup item, like mascara! Gasp!

    You’ll want to make sure that you’ve got everything you need to feel your best and refreshed while on vacation. I’ve listed the most common items to help jog your memory of what not to leave behind.

    If you like to travel light, Disney does stock complimentary sample-sized bottles of shampoo/conditioner and bar soap in the value and moderate resorts. I’ve also seen pump-style dispensers of shampoo/conditioner and body wash in the deluxe resorts.

    Complimentary H20 Products are available in all of the Resorts
    Complimentary H20 Products are available in all of the Resorts

    If you do happen to forget any of these items, no need to fret! Every resort has a gift shop that offers a selection of toiletries, medicines and baby care items. Just keep in mind that you’ll pay a lot more for this convenience than if you’ve brought these items yourself. But when you’re in need of a toothbrush, you gotta do what you gotta do!

    Also, don’t forget that you can have groceries delivered to your resort room. You could place a quick order on Amazon groceries and have those delivered to you ASAP.


    electronics for the essential Disney Vacation packing checklist

    In today’s digital world, we’d be hard pressed if we forgot one of these items at home. Besides the charger or earbuds, these are pricey items that can’t be easily replaced if they’ve been accidentally left behind.

    A no brainer here, but you’ll 100% need your cellphones and chargers. When at Disney, your cellphone is pretty much your lifeline. You’ll need your cellphone to access the My Disney Experience app, FastPass+ selections, and dining reservations just to name a few.

    I’m sure you’ll also be using it to snap all your Disney memories/photos and of course, to communicate with your travel party and others that you’ll need to keep in touch with.

    Pro Tip: Make sure your phone is ready for Disney, ie; phone is charged, My Disney Experience app loaded and updated, and lots of space available for all of the pictures you’ll be taking!

    If you have a fancy camera (You’ll never find me without my DSLR!) don’t forget the hardware/usb cords or chargers that go along with it. Computers are nice to have if you are needing to check in with the office or download photos from the trip.

    I recommend headphones or earbuds for travel as to help drown out noise for the littles ones. You’ll also save everyone’s sanity by keeping the noise down when you’re listening to music or movies/shows.

    Lastly, don’t forget any batteries you might need for your electronics. If you’re going to be using your cellphone most of the day, I recommend bringing an external power rod. This will help keep your phone charged throughout the day when you’re in the parks.

    Disney also sells Fuel Rods at select locations. For a one-time fee of about $30, you can purchase a Fuel Rod, that even comes with a power cord to both Android and Apple devices. You can use this to keep your phone charged while in the parks. When you need more power, simply exchange your Fuel Rod for a new one! You can find all of the Fuel Rod locations here.


    Travel Items for The Essential Disney Vacation Packing Checklist

    Before heading out the door, double check that you have all of the documentation you need to access your travel plans. If you’re staying on property, don’t forget your MagicBands. For everyone else, your park tickets are a must! You’ll also want to be sure that you have travel confirmations either on your phone or a paper copy for your flight, hotel, rental car and transportation plans.

    Put your wallet and purse out in a place that’s in full view, so you won’t forget to grab them on the way out. Make sure you have all the credit cards and cash that you need. If driving to Florida, be sure to have enough cash to cover toll fees. We’ve got a TON of tolls around here.

    International travelers, you’ll need your passport and travel documentation.

    I know, I know! All of this seems pretty self-explanitory, however, when you’re in the middle of trying to get you and your family out the door on a big trip, its easy to forget some of these super important elements. (Ask me how I know!)

    I’ve linked a few helpful items to keep all your travel docs organized and at your fingertips while on your trip.


    Miscellaneous Items for The Essential Disney Vacation Packing Checklist

    This is all the extra stuff you’ll need and want during your trip. One of the most important things on the list is to pack a poncho or umbrella! If you plan on riding water rides, but don’t want to get soaked, a poncho is a great bet. (I loathe walking through the parks in wet clothes!)

    Also, Florida is known for crazy afternoon thunderstorms and random rain showers. You don’t want to chance any rain getting in the way of your day. It’s better to be prepared!

    The sun and heat can really take a toll on your skin and lips around here, so throw some sunscreen and SPF chapstick into your bag for safe measure. Because it’s the south, bug spray is also a good idea. (Although, here’s a fun fact! Did you know that you’ll hardly see any mosquito at Disney? Seriously! You can read all about it here)

    If you’re visiting in the summer, bring along a portable fan and/or a cooling towel to keep around your neck. It can get unbearably hot in the middle of the day and you’ll be so thankful that you brought along a few tools to keep you cool.

    Finally, don’t forget any medicines, especially any prescriptions that you’ll need to take each day. Feminine products, vitamins and a small first-aid kit will also come in handy while you’re away from home.

    Now Get Packing!

    Alright, pals, it’s time for you to get ready for your amazing trip! If you haven’t already, don’t forget to snag the essential Disney vacation packing checklist below. It’s FREE! It’ll help you make sure that you haven’t forgotten anything essential for your trip!

    The Essential Disney Vacation Packing Checklist Free Printable
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      For more Disney vacation must-have’s, click {HERE!}

      Did I leave anything off the list? Let me know below as it helps out other readers, too! 😃

      Got a question? Shoot me an email or reach out to me on any of my social media channels. I love hearing from you!

      Happy packing and have a great trip!

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